When I did the idealogy inventory test I found out that i am strong in Risk, Resiliency and Prevention. The second area that i am strong in is the positive youth development, followed by critical youth development. I believe this is a fair represent of me as a youth worker. I am more of having the youth tackle their problems head on and coach them to help them succeed. I am all about preventing foreseeable events and try to have the youth make calculated decisions for themselves so that they can lean how to also try to prevent unnecessary problems.
I can see why Positive Youth Development came in a close second place on the Ideology Inventory Test because as of late i been working on how I can empower young people. Usually i guide them through their situation but now i am seeing the importance of having them understand that they have strengths that they need to focus on for their self-esteem. By focusing on their strength, they can have the confidence to believe that they can do more. Building their self worth will also help them be more independent instead of relying on others to fix their problems. I learned in a social work class about the eco system map which shows the external support a person may have and also let them know that they are not alone. This is help for the children who are visual learners.
I love how you said "By focusing on their strength, they can have the confidence to believe that they can do more." This is so true. I find myself relating most to positive youth development, although I scored highest in critical youth development. I am a firm believer in supporting and encouraging youth so that they can be successful and most importantly, have the confidence to believe that they can be successful.